Thursday, September 5, 2013

Traffic Jam

Answer the questions:
1. What are Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig doing?
- tidying up
- making lunch
- planting vegetables
2. What should Grandpa Pig do with the potatoes?
- plant them
- peel them
- get them in the oven
3. Why does Daddy Pig think they won’t be late?
- he found a new way
- he has a faster car
- there is no traffic jam
4. Why does Granny Pig say that they are running late?
- because Grandpa Pig doesn’t know what to do with potatoes
- because Grandpa Pig went over the top with potatoes
- because Grandpa Pig hasn’t dug up enough potatoes
5. What is Grandpa Pig doing while waiting for Peppa and her family?
- mending the oven
- digging up more potatoes
- eating lunch
6. What did Mummy Pig decide to do?
- to walk
- to return home
- to take a short cut
7. Where did the Pigs find themselves after taking the short cut?
- ahead of Danny’s lorry
- behind Danny’s lorry
- in front of Granny and Grandpa’s house
8. How is the traffic moving?
- very fast
- at the speed of a snail
- at the speed of a tortoise
9. What does Grandpa Pig get to help Peppa and her family?
- lawn mower
- tractor
- wheel barrow
10. What is Grandpa Pig’s idea?
- take the lunch to the Pigs
- bring the Pigs home in the wheel barrow
- dig up more potatoes

Fill in the gaps with these words, put them in the correct form if necessary:
do, traffic, one, dig up, wheel barrow, short cut, move, speed, go over the top
1) I ______ some more potatoes.
2) How ___ your potatoes ______?
3) Grandpa __________ with potatoes.
4) We ______ so slowly.
5) Bye-bye, everyone. We are taking a __________.
6) The ______ is still moving at the _______ of a snail.
7) Look! There is Granny and Grandpa. With our lunch. In a ________.

Who says these lines?
- You can never have too many potatoes.
- I wish we’d set off sooner, we’re going to be late again.  
- I wasn’t expecting that.
- They still need a bit more cooking.
- Don’t worry, we are running late too.
- We’re moving so slowly. We’ll never get to Granny and Grandpa’s.
- Look! There is the main road again.
- Load the lunch into the wheel barrow.

Questions about you:
- Do you often get stuck in a traffic jam?
- What do you do when you are stuck in a traffic jam?
- How do you prefer to move around your city? Why?

Learn the words from the video: HERE

Play road safety game: HERE

Translate from Russian into English:

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